Cassadaga Gearing Up For Summer
CASSADAGA — With the summer months in sight, and COVID-19 vaccinations rolling out more heavily, the village of Cassadaga is eyeing things to make the summer in Cassadaga more accessible to people.
For starters, the basketball court in town will have the brush cleared out in the coming weeks in order to make way for new steps down to the court. The Village Board is in the process of receiving grant money from the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation and contracting services to replace the steps from the wooden railroad ties that are currently there, with concrete steps that will go to the water fountain and then down to the court, which will help with safety for those using the court.
On top of that, the speed hump that the Board has been looking at installing on Park Avenue has been brought in and will be installed soon, according to Cassadaga’s Superintendent of Public Works, Sam Alaimo.
“We got the fasteners today,” Alaimo said. “So that will be put in place real soon. We’ll put it in the middle where the crosswalk is and have the other two on the end, and put our signs back up. Maybe we’ll look into more signage after that.”
As for events in the summer, Cassadaga Town Historian John Sipos was given the go-ahead by Mayor Bill Dorman and the Cassadaga Board to set a date for the annual Cassadaga yard sale weekend, which will be held on June 19.
Similarly, the boat launch reconstruction is underway, and Dorman said that the project seems to be a priority for the company performing it.
“I stopped down the other day and spoke to someone from the construction company,” Dorman said. “He indicated that they delayed another project to work this and I thank them for that.”
Additionally, a lifeguard certification person will be coming to the beach on June 12 to certify any lifeguards that need certification or recertification.